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"Newark Bible Society." The Religious Intelligencer 9.16 (Sept. 18, 1824): 248. Yet another entry addressing the Indian problem. Extract of a speech by William W. Miller, June 13, exhorting the Bible Society to work with the Indians "or they will be exterminated." "Having been for three centuries in the immediate neighborhoud of christians, and within the echo of the songs of Zion, they are still rude heathens, and know not the God who made them. Why is it thus? Cannot the Aboriginies be converted to christianity? Are the brethren of Pocahontas and Logan too base, too degraded, to be affected even by word which is sharper than any two edged sword? Have you tried it? . . . . Are ye willing to witness their utter extinction? Are ye willing that the dying moan of the last Indian should reach the ear of Him who is no respecter of persons?"
[Indian problem]
[Electronic Version]