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Films >> Ultima Cena, La (The Last Supper) (1976) >>

0:00:00 Opening Theme and Credits
The movie begins with a fresco, not Da Vinci's painting, as background while the introductory credits roll. Several angels become the focus of the introduction, along with monks and flowers, while a motet delivers a somber, humble sound.
0:02:50 The Search for Sebastian
Don Manuel enters a section of the slave house in a rampage, demanding to know which slaves helped Sebastian escape. Don Manuel finds a bag full of Sebastian's clothes, which he gives to the dogs so they can catch his scent. The slaves are intimidated but deny that they helped Sebastian escape. Manuel is told that the Count has arrived, which frustrates him since he must find Sebastian.
0:03:38 The Count's Arrival
The Count comes to the estate on horseback, saying his hellos to the priest, the woman of the plantation, and Don Gaspar. Don Manuel arrives late, explaining that a slave has escaped. The count tells Don Manuel and Don Gaspard he has business to discuss with them and then enters the manor.
0:04:45 The Duke Enters the Manor
Accompanied by the house slaves and the priest, the Count explains that he did not want to make such a long journey so quickly but did not want to be traveling these roads at night.
0:05:06 The Priest Speaks With the Count
While the Count takes his bath, the priest speaks with him from behind the wall. They speak of "final preparations" for the night's events, while the priest complains of Don Manuel's behavior. The Count advises the priest that he may not be being fair to Don Manuel, and the priest does his best to lay off the subject, though he clearly wishes to say more of Don Manuel's transgressions against the Lord.
0:06:31 Discussion at the Altar
The Count complains to the priest that he has no inner peace living in "constant uneasiness," and so the priest advises that the only way the Count can find this inner peace is through God. The Count stretches his arms out like the crucifix before him, making for a very interesting image.
0:07:10 Meeting with Don Manuel
The Count voices concerns over the escaped slave and that not all of the slaves were in church on Palm Sunday because many were making general repairs for Don Manuel. Don Manuel complains that work is behind at the mill, and so he will have to be much tougher on the slaves. The Count retorts that Don Manuel must do what he must, which is no concern of the Count's so long as the Church is respected.
0:08:02 Meeting with Don Gaspar
Don Gaspar has made several innovative techniques to improve the way cane is produced, which impresses everyone. A mock argument ensues between the priest and Don Gaspar which equates pure sugar cane with souls purified in purgatory. The Count watches amusedly.
0:11:06 Outside the Factory
The Count announces to Don Manuel, Don Gaspar, and the priest that he is adding to the mill. Don Gaspar, in a more worried tone, reminds the Count that more slaves will be needed to produce more cane, and soon there will be more blacks than whites at the mill. The Count reassures Don Gaspar that there is no need to worry since "we know how to control the blacks."
0:12:27 Sebastian Found and Punished
Sebastian is brought before the group, surrounded by the patrolmen and dogs who captured him. For punishment (and perhaps to show off in front of the Count) Don Manuel cuts off Sebastian's ear, and throws it at the feet of the Count where the dogs fight over the severed ear. The Count, visibly shaken and ready to vomit, needs to be helped back into the house by the Priest and the Count's favorite house slave, Emundo.
0:13:35 The Count Plans the Supper
After an argument with his bird because the bird will not sing when told, the Count summons Emundo and tells him to have all the slaves brought to the main yard. Nervous, Emundo asks if he is to be part of the group in the yard. The Count answers that Emundo will be spared from the activity because he is the Count's special servant, which puts him in a position above the slaves who will be selected for the supper.
0:14:35 The Slaves Are Summoned
Having no idea what is going on, the slaves are told to stand out in the main yard. They are threatened with Sebastian's punishment (who is in the stocks at this point) if they do not cooperate.
0:15:20 The Slaves Are Chosen
The Count commands Don Manuel to pick twelve slaves at random. Confused, Don Manuel asks the Count for some criteria so that he can have a basis for picking the slaves. The Count simply says to pick twelve slaves. After Don Manuel picks eleven the Count tells Don Manuel that the escaped slave Sebastian will be the twelfth slave.
0:17:20 Lesson in Religion
The eleven slaves (minus Sebastian whose wounds are being dressed) are in the church while the priest instructs them on the glories of heaven. At the end of the sermon the priest reminds them that to go to Heaven they must be good slaves and do everything they are told to do. Half way through the sermon Sebastian is brought in, causing a noticeable difference in the priest's attitude, who is clearly disturbed and afraid of Sebastian's presence.
0:18:50 The Slaves Battle
Among the funnier scenes in the film, the priest attempts to teach the slaves cleanliness in preparation for their dinner with the Count. One of the slaves believes that he is dying because the cold water touches his head, a fear the priest is not sympathetic to. Down the river the priest spots naked female slaves washing the master's clothes and demands that these "godless creatures" cover themselves. One of the slaves sneaks over to the women's area and is quickly sent back to the males by the priest, who ends up falling in the river to the delight of everyone.
0:19:58 Final Preparations
Flowers are draped on the floor of the Count's manor before the slaves, who have no idea what is going on. The Count prays.
0:21:13 The Count Washes Feet
Trying to emulate Jesus, the Count washes and kisses the slave's feet. Sebastian, clearly not recovered from his punishments for escaping, shakes and trembles, at which time the Count commands that more water be put into the bowl. The entire non-slave population looks on (except Don Gaspar), while Don Manuel becomes so disgusted by the count kissing the slave's feet that he cannot stay in the room.
0:22:08 Manuel Leaves
Don Manuel walks across the courtyard to Don Gaspar's house to calm down from watching the Count humble himself before the blacks.
0:22:16 Manuel Sits With Gaspard
The two share a drink as they complain about life on the plantation. While Don Manuel complains of the silly and dangerous actions of the Count, Don Gaspar worries about the coming influx of slaves. Don Gaspar supports his fear by reminding Don Manuel that Gaspard was at Santo Domingo at the time of revolt from which Santo Domingo apparently has not recovered. Don Manuel shrugs it off, apparently unimpressed.
0:25:45 The Supper Begins
The Count does his best to explain the Last Supper to the slaves, which makes Antonio think that the Count will die since Christ died after his last meal. The introduction becomes a lesson on how Christ had to die because the world was so corrupt, and the disciples were Christ's slaves.
0:27:17 The Eating Begins
Still clearly confused, the slaves follow the master's example and indulge in the feast, apparently more food than they have seen in a long time. Sebastian does not indulge so quickly.
0:28:12 Antonio Asks a Favor
Antonio, one of the more articulate slaves who knows how to use the silverware, explains to the Count that he was once a slave in the Count's villa but was thrown into the fields when Don Manuel became angry with him. He begs the Count to put him back in the villa, and so the Count promises he will talk with Don Manuel and have Antonio put back in the villa the next day. Antonio kisses the Count's hand, which leaves the Count a bit annoyed.
0:29:32 A Talk with Bangoche
Bangoche, once a king until his tribe was beaten by another, brags of how much business he gave the slave traders as a warrior, and when he was taken across the passage he was the only slave not in chains allowed to walk above with the whites. The Count asks Bangoche whether he likes the sugar mill or Africa, to which Bangoche simply replies, "Bangoche is a slave."
0:31:35 Sebastian Summoned
In what could be some sort of seizure brought on by blood loss or beatings, Sebastian's face lands in his plate. The Count orders Sebastian brought to the chair next to the Count.
0:32:15 Count's Speech About Obedience
As a lesson to the entire table, the Count explains to Sebastian that he has brought all this pain on himself and that if he runs away the overseer needs to punish him this badly so that such infractions do not happen again.
0:34:06 Sebastian Spits in the Count's Face
The Count demands, in the name of Christ, that Sebastian say who he is, probably expecting to hear gratification and apology. Sebastian spits in his face, causing the Count to raise his spoon as if he will beat Sebastian with it.
0:34:35 The Insolence is Forgiven
After taking a second to calm down, the Count forbids Emundo from calling in reinforcements. Instead, he explains to all that because Jesus knew what Judas would do and forgave him, so can the Count find it in his heart to forgive Sebastian. Order is restored.
0:35:03 Drinking Begins
In an effort to restore order, the count orders much more wine to be brought and consumed. The mood becomes much lighter.
0:35:35 The Count Becomes Christ
Continuing his lesson in religion, the Count explains how the treacherous Judas (referring to Sebastian) tried to trick God and will burn in hell for his transgressions. His main point becomes that some slaves are good and some bad, but, no matter what, God rewards and punishes accordingly.
0:37:08 Communion Begins
The bread and wine are passed around as the Count tells the story of how Christ told them they were consuming His body and His blood. He seems to assume that the slaves will understand as well as he does.
0:37:33 The Slaves Become Confused
Ambrosio, one of the more vocal slaves, yells in disbelief that the disciples could eat Christ. The Count assures him that they did not.
0:38:10 More Confusion
The slaves cannot make sense of the fact that the disciples ate of the body of Christ, yet they did not eat him. The cannibals at the table are thoroughly entertained.
0:38:52 Lessons in Patience
The Count assures Ambrosio that he should not be discouraged that he does not understand communion, so long as he remains a faithful and obedient Christian. Whether Ambrosio agrees or not, he keeps smiling.
0:39:10 Another Round of Drinks
The slaves, realizing that they can eat and drink as much as they want, keep drinking. The effect of the alcohol becomes obvious, particularly with the Count.
0:39:51 The Count Speaks With Ambrosio
With slightly slurred speech, The Count tells Ambrosio how wonderful it feels for him to be able to sit here with his slaves.
0:40:22 A Debate Over the Slave House
The closest thing yet to a unified complaint, the slaves complain that the slave house is dank and dirty, while the Count retorts that it is spacious and secure. The Count ends the argument asserting that the slaves should basically take what they are given and be happy. He also claims that the slaves could not be that miserable since he hears them singing every time he visits the mill.
0:41:45 The Story of the Black Man's Curse
The slave who will later call himself Birico tells a folk tale, full of song and dance, of a son who tricks his father into being sold, only to be sold by the tribe as a punishment for selling his father. The story is thoroughly enjoyed by the Count, who does not get the same message from the story as the slaves.
0:44:45 The Song and Dance
Birico performs a small song and dance to end his tale, which would have been enjoyed by all even if everyone at the table were not drunk by now.
0:45:25 The Count Joins In
In response to Birico's performance the Count hums a few bars, making him look drunk and silly to the table.
0:45:58 Pascual Asks for His Freedom
Pascual, who has apparently figured out that he has one year left before he has earned his freedom, begs the Count to free him a year early. After careful consideration for about ten seconds, the Count agrees.
0:46:43 Freedom Granted
Pascual, overjoyed that he has been set free, slowly starts walking out of the banquet hall. The slaves start singing a song of rejoicing over Pascual's release, which slowly subsides as Pascual walks back, apparently not so happy having realized he has nowhere to go.
0:47:40 Another Lesson in Obedience
The Count, seeing that Pascual is unhappy, explains to everyone that Pascual is proving his point that the slave will not be happy if given his freedom. He points out that Pascual can go wherever he wishes, yet in reality he has nowhere he can go. The moral is that if the slave cannot be happy as a slave, he will certainly not be happy as free man.
0:49:06 The Story of St. Francis
As a further enforcement of what the Count says about how freedom is overrated, the Count tells his own story of St. Francis and Brother Leon walking to a monastery. The Count attempts to emulate Birico's flair for entertaining while telling a story and fails miserably. The moral of his story, which he plainly says to the slaves, is that perfect happiness lies in knowing that whatever sufferings the Christian suffers, whether from the overseer or other, are acts of God which must not only be accepted, but enjoyed.
0:55:45 Laughing Begins
The effect of the story on the slaves is profound entertainment, though the moral does seem to be accepted.
0:56:11 Ambrosio Questions the Sermon
Ambrosio, with what seems to be a sarcastic air, wants to make sure he understands that the moral of the story is that he must be happy when the overseer beats him. The slaves do not react the way the Count would have wished.
0:57:40 A Lesson in Nature
In an attempt to convince the slaves that they are meant to be slaves, the Count contends that the black man is built for cutting cane and absorbing punishment, while God constructed the white man more for giving orders and less physical work. He asks, "Who ever saw a white man singing as he cuts sugar cane?" as proof that the black man is resistant to pain. If blacks do not do this work, it is not that they can not but are simply being lazy.
0:57:50 The Count Defends the Overseer
When asked why the overseer is not also beaten, the Count yells that it is the will of God that the slaves are beaten and the overseer is not. He reasserts that blacks only get beaten when they are lazy, so that if a slave is beaten more than others, it is because he is lazier than those around him. The tone silences the slaves, who up until this point have been testing how far they can go asking the Count questions.
0:58:13 A Lesson of God's Rewards
The Count tries to balance out his harsh tone of God's punishment with a promise that sacrifice and selflessness will be rewarded by God. Physical motions indicate that the Count is completely drunk by now, a fact the slaves seem to have picked up on.
0:58:50 Food Stolen
Fearing that the night will end shortly, Birico takes food off the table and stuffs it into his bag acting like he did nothing.
0:59:00 Adam and Eve
The Count teaches the story of Adam and Eve to the table, making clear that all of the sins of the world are Eve's fault for convincing Adam to take a bite out of the apple. The slaves, realizing that the Count is no longer angry with them and amused by his drunk mannerism, laugh along, making the Count feel all the more worshipped.
1:00:59 Questions About Paradise
Since they have the attention of the master, the slaves ask questions about Heaven, wondering whether there are masters, slaves, and overseers.
1:01:58 No Time to Sleep
Emundo, seeing that the Count is embarrassing himself in front of the mill slaves, suggests that it is time to sleep. Insulted, the Count chastises Emundo for thinking himself the master. The mill slaves, never before seeing a house slave treated with such disrespect, find Emundo's treatment delightful and revel in his humiliation.
1:01:59 Count Calls the Overseer a Bastard
Clearly in a drunken rage, the Count has made the slaves at the table his closest friends and trusts them with his inner-most opinions about Don Manuel. The slaves, not expecting this candidness at all, react with hysterical laughing, satisfied now that they know the "truth" about what the Count thinks of the overseer.
1:02:30 A Talk with Judas
Thanks to several glasses of wine, the Count's opinion of Sebastian is completely changed. Now "There is no Judas here," implying that the role of Judas is now being played by Don Manuel. Sebastian maintains his angry, silent look while the Count goes on about Sebastian's virtue.
1:04:41 The Count Passes Out
The slaves can now speak freely with one another.
1:05:12 Sebastian's Story
Sebastian tells a folk tale about Truth and the Lie, basically centering around the Lie decapitating Truth causing Truth to walk the Earth wearing the Lie's head. The slaves pick up on the message immediately, that nothing the Count has said tonight can possibly be believed.
1:06:35 Truth Finds a Head
To make the images of the story more vivid Sebastian takes a pig's head from the table and puts it in front of his face. The result is entertaining for most of the slaves, but Antonio is intimidated and irritated by Sebastian's behavior.
1:07:08 A Question
Having enough of Sebastian's rabble-rousing, Antonio asks Sebastian why he talks now that the Count has passed out. Sebastian throws the pig's head at Antonio, making him the laughing stock of the table.
1:07:34 Argument over the Master
Antonio now becomes the master's chief defender, reminding the table that no other master in the world would allow slaves to eat at the master's table. Some nod in agreement; others stare at Antonio annoyed.
1:08:10 Pascual Questioned
Antonio reprimands Pascual for remaining silent while the slaves complain of the master. Pascual, still angry that the Count has freed him after he has spent the best years of his life in bondage, still refuses to speak.
1:08:37 The Argument Continues
Whether the slaves will have to work Good Friday is highly debated, many of the slaves threatening revolt if they are forced to work after being assured by the Count and the priest that no one will work.
1:09:00 Prophecy of Tomorrow
Ambrosio promises the slaves that the only bell they will hear tomorrow will be the church bell, not the work bell.
1:09:19 Song of Tomorrow
Birico gives another entertaining performance, celebrating his refusal to work tomorrow to celebrate Jesus dying.
1:10:19 An Argument Over Revolt
The rift among the slaves becomes wider as the majority of the slaves at the table agree that they will not work Good Friday even if it means revolt, while Antonio and Ambrosio defend the master and remind the slaves that rebellion means certain death, a fate Ambrosio and Antonio are not willing to accept.
1:10:58 Sebastian's Powers
Interrupting an argument he finds futile, Sebastian claims to have magical powers that will surely keep him free once he escapes. Ambrosio reminds Sebastian that he has been caught every time and the next time will mean his death, to which Sebastian pulls out some sort of magical bag and claims he can turn himself into a bird, a fish, a rock, and a stream. He blows dust from the bag on the Count, prompting silence.
1:11:30 The Master Awakens
More sober now, the Count looks at the slaves who are now sleeping and seems very displeased.
1:12:30 The Count Leaves
Emundo asks if he should wake the now-sleeping slaves. The Count replies, "If only they would never wake up." This becomes an important scene in terms of what will happen later concerning the promises the Count makes during the supper. It becomes clear that the slaves can look forward to a day full of disappointment.
1:13:12 Friday Morning
The Count awakens, clearly hung over, and takes a very long time to make the attempt to get out of bed. He is barely successful.
1:14:12 The Bell Rings
Having a very difficult time getting out of bed, the Count rings a small bell, apparently signaling Emundo to help him out of his bedroom.
1:14:25 Morning Prayers
To begin Good Friday (though he is still clearly hung over), the Count says a prayer in front of his altar.
1:14:55 The Count Leaves the Manor
Having done his charitable service, the Count, led by all of his traveling party, leaves the mill and begins his trip back to the villa.
1:15:53 The Priest Spots the Count
What makes this scene notable is the look on the priest's face, indicating that he wishes the Count would not leave the mill until the dispute over work (a dispute which is about to start) is settled.
1:16:03 Don Manuel Demands Work
Completely disregarding the fact that it is Good Friday (and the promises the Count made in his drunken state), Don Manuel goes about demanding the slaves go to work. Several slaves from the supper try to convince Don Manuel that the Count forbade work, at which time Don Manuel threatens the whip and they become quiet. Interestingly, the slaves seem to be aggravated with Don Manuel, not the Count.
1:16:35 The Priest Stops the Bell
One of the better arguments of the movie, the priest seems to have an idea of what is going to happen if Don Manuel insists on work today, a veiled fear which Don Manuel ignores. The priest asks Don Manuel if he takes responsibility for what could happen, to which Don Manuel asks the priest, "To what extent are you not responsible?" The priest gives up on reasoning with Don Manuel and leaves the mill.
1:17:28 The Priest Leaves
The priest heads for the Count's villa, determined to persuade the Count to stop Don Manuel.
1:17:54 Pascual and Don Manuel
Pascual tells Don Manuel that the Count has freed him, and so Don Manuel laughs and replies that what the Count says while drunk does not matter. Pascual replies that the Count does not tell lies, insulting and aggravating Don Manuel. After a threat with the whip, Pascual goes out to work.
1:18:37 Manuel Taken
With Sebastian hiding in the corner, Don Manuel demands that Bangoche get to work. Bangoche reminds Don Manuel that he is not the usual slave and should not be ordered in such a manner, causing Don Manuel to raise his machete. Sebastian grabs Don Manuel from behind, wrestling the machete from his hand. The revolt officially begins.
1:19:05 Guard Wounded
A guard runs blindly into the room to see what is going on and is struck down from behind by Bangoche and his machete.
1:19:13 The Priest Speaks With the Count
The priest argues about Don Manuel's insistence on working today, an argument the Count does not want to hear because he does not like to get involved in affairs on the plantation, and he is still quite hung over. The Count, while admitting that he said things last night he should not have, declares that Don Manuel should run the mill as he sees fit since God will punish him, freeing the Count from whatever sin Don Manuel commits.
1:22:03 Rebellion Announced
One of the Count's men runs in announcing that the slaves have revolted. The Count, in shock, decides to send for a militia to come in and crush the rebellion.
1:22:47 Slaves Take Control
No slave seems to be against a revolt, and so Don Manuel is rushed in the middle of the square to the delight of the blacks.
1:23:00 Manuel in the Stocks
A slave, apparently being punished by Don Manuel, is taken out of the stocks, and Don Manuel is clamped. His look is memorable, showing anger and pain, but no sign of fear or humiliation. This may be the most enjoyable scene for the slaves in the movie besides seeing the Count drunk.
1:23:24 The Woman Taken
The woman, led with a rope around her neck, is taken out of her house and led into the square with Don Manuel. Strangely, no indication of rape or any kind of assault is even hinted at, indicating that slaves are looking for control, and that this is not a state of anarchy.
1:23:44 Burn Down the Mill!
Sebastian, looking for authority here but not willing to step on the toes of Bangoche, demands that the mill be burnt down. The vast majority appear to agree until Bangoche demands order.
1:23:58 Bangoche Takes Control
Rather than burn down the mill immediately, Bangoche decides that a few brave volunteers should take the woman to the Count as a good faith gesture so that the Count (now getting a militia to take back control) will be more inclined to listen to them. Antonio, Ambrosio, and a third slave volunteer, believing that the master likes them more than any other slave. The group agrees, and they set off. The group also agrees that Don Manuel can live until word gets back to the mill.
1:25:06 Soldiers Sent
The slave party bringing the woman with them has apparently walked a considerable distance. They are pondering how receptive the Count will be to what has happened, when they see the Count's posse heading toward them.
1:25:22 Death of the Woman
The woman, seeing that the slaves are looking at the oncoming soldiers, makes a run in the opposite direction. On instinct, Antonio sees the woman running, grabs the rope and jerks it. The woman, in a second that is hard to believe, breaks her neck and dies. The slaves, realizing that if the Count was not out for blood by this point he surely will be when the Count sees the woman's corpse, run off in different directions. Ambrosio heads back to the mill. Antonio is shot while running away.
1:26:23 The Woman Found
The posse, firing off as many shots at the slaves as they can, catches up to the woman. The priest closes the woman's eyes while the rest of the group go after the fleeing slaves.
1:26:39 Slave Caught
One of the slaves, unidentifiable until this point, is trapped in a field by two of the Count's armed guards.
1:26:53 Slave Running
Another unknown slave, possibly Ambrosio, is running away from the guards. He is running from the direction he came, leading back to the mill.
1:27:01 Last Rites
The priest performs the last rites on the woman, and the troop now heads straight for the mill.
1:27:29 Death of Don Manuel
Ambrosio returns to the mill in a panic, screaming of how the Count is out to kill everyone and that hope is basically lost. Bangoche demands the mill be burnt down and prepares to kill Don Manuel. Sebastian stops him, demanding that Sebastian be the one to kill Don Manuel. Bangoche agrees, and the camera closes in on Don Manuel's face as he is apparently stabbed with Sebastian's machete. He dies in the stocks, his arms making a sort of cross. Everyone who can runs.
1:29:17 The Count Arrives
Sebastian runs into a hen house, which the troop rides around on their way to the mill. The Count looks at the mill burning and has the slaves caught at the mill put the fires out. He looks around in confusion and rage.
1:30:12 Don Manuel Found
The Count and the priest find Don Manuel's body and look over it. In one of the stranger dialogues of the movie, the Count ask the priest at what hour Christ died. As the organ plays, the priest replies, "At this very hour." The Count closes Don Manuel's eyes, and the priest performs the last rites.
1:31:38 Don Gaspar Hides Sebastian
Don Gaspar takes a lighted candle into his back room and backs out terrified. Sebastian comes into the room with a machete, though whether or not he plans on killing Don Gaspar is not clear. A knock is heard at the door, and Sebastian hides in the back room. Don Gaspar lets in Martin Sanchez (the leader of the troop restoring order to the mill) and discusses why Don Gaspar's house was one of the two structures in the mill not attacked by the slaves (the Church is also unharmed).
1:34:20 Equality and the Dead
Funeral services are given for Don Manuel and the woman in the church. The Count looks over the two bodies and notices that close by are the bodies of Antonio and the other slave who tried to run away. The Count demands the bodies of the slaves be taken out of the church. The priest refuses, implying that all human beings are equal in God's eyes but stopping short before he gets to the word "equal." The Count becomes furious, talking about the horror of savages.
1:36:20 The Sentence
The Count notices that Pascual and another slave from the supper are in the church and demands that they be killed. He then demands that Martin Sanchez find all of the slaves who attended the supper and bring their heads back. The camera zooms in Pascual, who backs into a corner of the church, defenseless and afraid.
1:36:32 The Search Party Sets Out
The party leaves the mill and rides after the escaped slaves, who are running for their lives in the forest.
1:36:55 Bangoche Caught
Bangoche runs for a time but is trapped by the search party on a large rock. Seeing he is trapped, Bangoche gives a loud cry and makes a war-like gesture toward the search party where he punches his thigh area. A gun shot is heard, and the camera moves on.
1:37:31 Another Caught
Another slave from the dinner, never speaking and never mentioned, walks around a tree in the forest as in some sort of convulsive fit. He wavers in between laughing and crying, until he sees something the viewer never sees. A gun shot goes off, so he must have seen the search party.
1:38:05 The Carabali Caught
The Carabali man runs in the forest, with dogs barking in the background. Exhausted and scared, the Carabali falls down, allowing the dogs to catch up to him. He tries to strike one with his machete, but another dog grabs his wrist, and the dogs begin grabbing at his arms. The Carabali starts screaming, and the camera moves on.
1:39:03 The Bird Flies Away
Birico, wavering in between chanting and screaming, runs to the top of a mountain, and looks out on the wilderness. He chants what could be a song if he were not in such a fit, of how the master and the dogs cannot catch him because he will become a bird. He comes to the ledge, flaps his arms and jumps, falling to his death.
1:39:48 Sebastian Fleeing
The search party finds Sebastian on a mountain, probably not the same one Birico just died on. One of the soldiers fires a shot at Sebastian that misses. Sebastian gives a gesture similar to the gesture Bangoche made minutes earlier and begins running again.
1:40:36 Lesson of a Rifle
Ambrosio, caught but still alive, is resting with Martin Sanchez and other soldiers around a camp fire. Ambrosio explains that the Count could not kill him since Ambrosio has always liked his master. Sanchez lets Ambrosio play with his gun, an offer Ambrosio cannot believe. On being told to hold it up at Sanchez, Ambrosio stops. Sanchez, takes the gun back, shows him how to work the trigger, and shoots Ambrosio, killing him.
1:42:51 The Party Returns
With several slaves tied up and running behind horses, Martin Sanchez's party returns.
1:43:27 The Count's Promise and Dedication
In a makeshift dedication ceremony, the Count laments how God has punished him for thinking he could be generous to creatures as dangerous and cruel as the slaves, blaming them for never being satisfied and showing no sense of decency. He promises to rebuild the mill and build a church in Don Manuel's name so that God will help him rebuild the mill. He speaks continually of the glory of his triumph over "bestiality and savagery."
1:45:05 The Raising of the Cross
After the dedication, slaves hold up a large wooden cross and stick it in the ground. Beyond the top of the cross can be seen twelve wooden pikes, eleven of them holding the heads of the slaves from the supper on top. The camera zooms in on the twelfth pike, missing what would surely be Sebastian's head.
1:45:53 Sebastian in the Wilderness
Sebastian is shown running through the forest. In between his run the camera jumps to the things Sebastian promised he could become at the supper (bird, fish, rock and stream). Horses are shown running in a pack, and Sebastian seems to vanish. The music plays a song that hints of marching and liberation, and the screen rolls to a "Fin" screen.